January 2020 News
Conway Village Church Featured on Valley Vision Cable Channel 1301
The Conway Village Church is currently being featured on the local Valley Vision show Charity Chatter (Ch. 1301). We would like to thank Jill Reynolds and Brian Wiggin for taking the time and agreeing to be interviewed for this show. We hope this show will bring some attention to our church and in promote our January Friday night fundraiser dinners. Check the Conway Daily Sun or Valley Vision Website for airtimes throughout the month http://www.valleyvision.com/, the show is called Charity Chatter.
Pastor’s Ponderings
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund ~ How It Works
The outpouring of gifts to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund on Christmas Eve was most gratifying. The question we may ask is, “How does the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund work?” People realize that there is constant financial need which the Conway Village Congregational Church is asked to meet. Yet, there are requests that do not involve monies at all.
Recently, a request came in from The Way Station, from Pastor Nate of the Lutheran Church. A family faced a recent tragedy, as someone was injured in a motorcycle accident which resulted in an amputation. Local clergy (through the Mount Washington Valley Clergy Association) were asked if anyone had financial resources to help. The “Brown Church” offered monies from its Pastor’s Discretionary Funds. Before it could be arranged to purchase wood for the family, an “Angel” dropped 4 cords of wood in a huge pile on the family property; the family was unable to access the wood. Calling around to find someone to help, the motorcycle group, Biker’s United, was contacted. They volunteered several hours to sort and stack the wood. It is this Networking, through the Pastor’s fund and through your generosity, that creates much needed help.
For all of you who make this kind of care possible through your prayers and gifts, Thank you.
The largest gathering we’ve had for the Prayer Partners dinner was held at Traditions Restaurant in East Madison. We thank everyone for supportive prayers and thoughtful gifts.
Carl Vitters, Moderator
Sunday, January 5th – Communion/Epiphany , Psalm 147:12-20, Scripture: Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 1: (1-9), 10-18, Sermon: “I Scattered … I Gather”, Praise: Joy in the Morning, Hymns: There’s a Spirit in the Air, Go Tell It on the Mountain, We Have Come to Join in Worship
Sunday, January 12th – Psalm 42:1-9, Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-9, Acts 10:34-43 Matthew 3:13-17, Sermon: “Possibilities Raining Down”, Praise: Gather Us In, Hymns: Baptized in Water, The Summons, I was There to Hear Your Borning Cry
Sunday, January 19th – Psalm 40:1-11 Scripture: Isaiah 49:1-7, 1Corinthains 1:1-9 John 1:29-42, Sermon: “You Shall Be Called …” Praise: You Are My All and All, Hymns: You are Mine, Amazing Grace, Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore,
Sunday, January 19th – Mineral Springs Worship – 1:00 P.M.
Sunday, January 26th – Psalm 27, Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-4, 1 Corinthians 1:10-18, Matthew 4:12-23, Sermon: “Immediately They Followed”, Praise: Shine, Jesus, Shine, Hymns: Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies, Just a Closer Walk with Thee, Here I Am, Lord
Notice of Annual Meeting
To all members and friends of the Conway Village Congregational Church.
The Annual Meeting of the Membership of the Conway Village Congregational Church will be held on Sunday, January 26th, 2020 at approximately 11:30 AM, after worship, in the Fellowship Hall at the Conway Village Congregational Church. Please bring a salad or dessert to share at the luncheon prior to the meeting.
The purpose of the Annual Meeting will be:
- To hear reports of the officers, boards and standing committees for the preceding year.
- To approve a budget for 2020.
- To elect officers, board and standing committee members for 2020.
- To conduct any other business that may come to the floor of the meeting.
Trustee’s Tidings
Happy New Year to all. Hoping you had a wonderful Christmas.
The Trustees plan to finalize the 2020 budget early in January. The income section can be the hardest to complete. Having the 2020 pledges made now, helps us with the process. If you have not made your pledge yet please do by early January.
For 2020 we will also be looking at the building use fees. They have not been reviewed or adjusted in quite some time. There are a lot of groups who use the space every week.
A fundraising schedule has been completed so that we can plan and market these events now.
SAVE THE DATES: January Suppers Fridays, 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st. We hope you will attend these wonderful dinners to support the church and if you would like to volunteer some hours to help out, there are many opportunities and it is a lot of fun.
The church’s Annual Meeting will be January 26th after church.
Early Pillars of our Church
We thought it might be of interest to our parishioners to do a monthly Salute (as room permits) to some of the individuals who were among the earliest pillars of our church. This month we will salute the Dahl Family – in particular, Charles O. Dahl.
Charles Oscar Dahl, along with A. Crosby Kennett, were likely two of the most important individuals who were responsible for the financial success of our church. A native of New York City, Dahl was born on May 12, 1885, a son of Augustus H. and Carolina (Sandin) Dahl. Educated in the public schools of Brooklyn, he entered an active business career, his first being a stenographer in the sales and traffic depart-ment of the Casein Company. In 1907, he came to Conway and became paymaster at the Conway Lumber Company. A year later he became the private secretary of A. Crosby Kennett, a leading businessman not only of the town but the state. In 1919, Dahl be-came connected with the Conway National Bank as a member of the Board of Directors. The next year he became the bank’s president. In September 1923, the Conway Nation-al Bank and the Conway Savings Bank were merged to form the Carroll County Trust Company. As president, he played an active part in promoting the welfare and development of Conway and Carroll County.
Mr. Dahl was a member of the Swift River Lodge, Odd Fellows, Mount Washington Lodge, Masons, (32nd degree) and a charter member of the Rotary. A Republican, he was a member and trustee of our Second Congregational Church. His wife, Bertha (Ellis) were married in Conway on March 18, 1908. The Dahls were both deacons as well and she an active member of the Ladies Circle. They lived on Pollard Street in the village. Their two daughters also were members of Second Congregational. They established the Dahl Insurance Company which was housed over the old Five and Ten Store. Ruth, following her father’s footsteps, was a financier of the church for decades and was a huge part of the construction of the 1956 addition of Fellowship Hall and the added kitchen and Sunday School rooms. Helen, not to be outdone, was once our longest church member. Serving in the military during World War II, she sang for half a century in the chancel choir, and holds the record, along with Naydene Drew, for being members the longest period of time. Both Ruth and Helen remembered our church handsomely in their final wishes.
Brian Wiggin, Historian