August 2022 Newsletter

~ The Good News ~

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 We waited all spring for this warm summer weather….and now it is August.

On July 17th we had a Special Meeting to give an update on the mid-year financials.  Thank you to all who stayed at the church and online.  For those who did not attend, we gave an update comparing the 2022 budget to actual numbers.  The areas that were higher than budgeted were the heating oil and plowing costs for the church; and for the Parsonage, we had increased costs for heating oil and repairs (stove and hot water heater). The extra costs totaled $10,000.

We feel we need to put out a Trustee Appeal at this time. When expenses increase like this, the cash flow is affected, and we have had to take money out of the endowment.  We will be sending out a letter explaining the above costs and including envelopes for any amount you can send to help with the church finances.

Next up for fundraising is the September 7th turkey dinner. Thank you to Paul Weld and crew for being the cooks. There will be a limited number of dinners available for sit down in Fellowship Hall and take out will be available. We are able to return to sit down thanks to all who volunteered.

October might seem like a long way away,  but we will be getting things ready for the Fryeburg Fair in August.  As we know year after year, we need volunteers for crisp prep and selling in the booth.  There are morning and afternoon shifts for both so be thinking what you might be able to do to help. The prepping will begin at the end of September and the fair is October 2nd through 9th.

Congratulations to the proud
Grandparents, Dawn & Carl
& the new parents, Megan and Ben!

Food Pantry Wish List

Ramen Noodles-Chicken and or Beef
Rice-A-Roni-Chicken or Beef
Ketchup – 20 oz.
Mustard – 20 oz
Mayo – small jar
Stable Milk box – 20 oz.
Juice – Orange or Apple – 64 oz.
Small Soup – Chicken Noodle or Tomato
Jelly – Grape or Strawberry – 16 oz.
Small canned Chicken or Tuna – 5 oz.
Baked Beans – 15 oz.
Tomato Sauce – 15 oz.
Beef Stew – Canned – 15 oz.
Boxed Crackers – 1 lb.
Boxed Spaghetti – 1 lb.
Canned Veggies – Peas, Carrots – 15 oz.
Instant Oatmeal – 1 lb.
Paper Towels
Toilet paper – individually wrapped
Shampoo – White Rain or Suave – 24 oz.
Dawn Dish detergent – small size
Tide Laundry Detergent – small size
Large Laundry Detergent
Hand Soap – Dial 2 or 3 pk bars

Diaconate Message

The Diaconate is excited to welcome Stephanie Miles Vacchino as our new pianist.  She was a music educator and Choral Director for Falmouth Massachusetts public schools.  Stephanie was a piano accompanist for the Falmouth Community Chorus as well as a fill in piano soloist and accompanist at three different churches.  She is multi-talented and we feel very fortunate to have her!

The Diaconate wants you to know we are here for you but we need your help.  Judy Workman is in charge of Prayer Warriors, and Suzanne Rancourt has taken over sending cards for our dear sweet Mitzi.  Please contact the office with any requests, either by email, or by phone, 603-447-3851, and letting Melody know what is needed.  Melody will pass the information on.  Thank you.

Birthday cards are still sent by Jean Hamilton.  If someone’s birthday is missing from the newsletter, please contact the office to ensure birthday cards will be mailed to all.  Thank you for your help!

Suzanne Rancourt, August Deacon of the Month

Diaconate: Louise Saxby, Chair;  Beth Campbell, Secretary;  Dawn Vitters, Treasurer;   Judy Workman, Mitzi Fitch, and Suzanne Rancourt

Thank you to our Diaconate for all that you do for our congregation.

Join us for Bible Studies.

Women’s Weekly Bible Study meets Thursdays at 9:30 am

Men’s Weekly Bible Study meets Fridays at 9:00 am

Both groups meet in the Church Conference Room located downstairs next to the church office.

Zoom access is available.

If you would like to more information on either group, please call the office at 603-447-3851 or email